Gage Info
main topics
    see also

Stat > Quality Tools > Gage Study > choose Gage Run Chart, Gage Linearity and Bias Study, Gage R&R Study (Crossed), Gage R&R Study (Nested), Gage R&R Study (Expanded), or Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method)  > Gage Info

Use these fields to fill in the label on the Session window and graphical output. Each field corresponds to a line on the label. If you do not use these fields, the label will be printed with blank lines.

Dialog box items

Gage name: Type the name of the gage.

Date of study: Type the date.

Reported by: Type the name of the person reporting the study information.

Gage Tolerance: Type the gage tolerance.

Miscellaneous: Type any miscellaneous notes.