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IEC标准,CB认证 今日: 1 |主题: 502|排名: 20 

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国际电工委员会发布X射线设备标准IEC 60601-2-54:2022 郑军奇 2022-10-11 21053 yualinnn 2022-10-22 08:40
IEC 62366-2-2016 Medical devices Part 2 Guidance on the application.pdf attachment  ...23 方亮1819 2022-1-19 213374 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:49
IEC 60335-2-52:2021 Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances attachment  ...2345 郑军奇 2022-9-4 403158 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:49
IEC 62077:2022 《光纤互连设备和无源元件-光纤环行器-通用规范 attachment  ...234 郑军奇 2022-9-1 382736 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:48
ISO / IEC 80079-34:2018 = BS EN ISO IEC 80079-34-2020  ...2 polarland 2020-11-18 175781 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:48
求IPC-A-610G中文版 新人帖 韦德玛 2022-9-21 11010 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:47
IEC 60417-1:2002, IEC 60417:2002 Graphical symbols for use on equipment  ...2 郑军奇 2021-9-9 143377 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:46
IEC成员国名单 -MBs Short List IECEE Members List Member Bodies (MBs)  ...23 zhang847277629 2022-1-5 234116 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:46
火焰条件下线缆和光缆测试标准分享 新人帖 attachment  ...23 lianshi123 2022-7-23 242853 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:45
IEC发布工业用二次锂电池和蓄电池的安全要求标准IEC 62619:2022  ...2 认证 2022-8-15 139562 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:45
IEC 60601-2-33:2022 医疗诊断用磁共振设备基本安全和基本性能...  ...23 郑军奇 2022-9-1 242412 flyerchang 2022-10-19 09:45
IEC 61855:2022《家用及类似用途电动护发用具-性能测试方法》  ...2 郑军奇 2022-9-1 162175 xinyi250218 2022-10-7 09:41
IEC 62282-4-101:2022 用于电力驱动工业卡车的燃料电池动力系统  ...23 郑军奇 2022-9-1 212400 kellyz 2022-10-3 08:19
IEC 60598-2-18:2022 特殊要求-用于泳池及类似用途的照明灯具  ...2 郑军奇 2022-9-1 121707 yitian484 2022-9-29 09:44
IEC 60884-1:2022 家用及类似用途的插头和插座-第1部分:通用...  ...2 郑军奇 2022-9-1 161791 打脸大大 2022-9-21 18:59
分享食品接触标准(欧盟&塑料相关GB) 新人帖 attachment  ...23 PAYNE 2022-8-24 242682 weken 2022-9-16 12:27
IEC 60335-1第六版IEC 60335-1:2020于2020年9月2日发布,标准下载  ...234 鬼谷子 2020-9-18 307530 flyerchang 2022-7-23 19:51
IEC 60417-SN-2015.pdf IEC 60417 Database Snapshot (2015-03-02 )  ...2 郑军奇 2021-9-9 102899 flyerchang 2022-7-23 19:49
IEC 60751:2022《工业铂电阻温度计和铂温度传感器》发布  ...2 认证 2022-3-22 112174 bandager 2022-4-29 21:36
IEC 62228-7:2022 集成电路-收发器的EMC评估-第7部分:CXPI收发器  ...2 认证 2022-3-22 102240 gart 2022-4-27 11:17
IEC 62788-7-3:2022 加速强度测试-光伏组件外表面的磨损方法 认证 2022-3-22 71384 flyerchang 2022-4-9 16:22
IEC 62828-2:2017 Part 2: Specific procedures for pressure transmitters 认证 2017-8-7 31069 kellyz 2022-3-5 08:20
IEC 62368-3:2017 Safety aspects for DC power transfer through communication cabl attachment 方亮1819 2021-12-28 51813 flyerchang 2022-2-14 08:40
BS EN IEC 61439-2:2021 Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies attachment  ...23 方亮1819 2021-11-12 213746 flyerchang 2022-2-14 08:33
IEC 60335-1_2010_AMD2_2016 (2016-05) 新人帖 attachment  ...23 xinxichaxun 2021-12-29 203149 flyerchang 2022-2-14 08:33
ISO 80601-2-55:2018 Medical electrical equipment : respiratory gas monitors 认证 2018-2-18 1886 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:09
IEC 62236-2:2018 Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world 认证 2018-2-18 11242 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:08
ISO/IEC 30140-1:2018 Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN) Part 1: Overview 认证 2018-2-18 21122 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:08
IEC 60079:2018 Explosive atmospheres - ALL PARTS 认证 2018-1-15 1977 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:07
IEC 61000-3-2:2018 EMC Part 3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions (≤16 A) 认证 2018-1-28 21570 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:06
IEC 62927:2017 VSC valves for STATCOM Electrical testing 认证 2017-8-7 32021 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 13:06
求 GBT19665-2005 电子红外成像人体表面测温仪通用规范 新人帖 attachment  ...2 liufurw 2020-3-3 124016 liufurw 2020-6-17 08:40
IEC 62930:2017 Electric cables for photovoltaic systems with a voltage rating... 认证 2017-12-16 22366 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 08:00
IEC 60335-2-43:2017 Part 2-43: Particular clothes dryers and towel rails 认证 2017-10-15 21495 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 08:00
IEC 62928:2017 Railway applications - Onboard lithium-ion traction batteries 认证 2017-9-16 21423 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:59
ISO 7240-22:2017 Fire detection and alarm systems. Smoke-detection for ducts 认证 2017-9-16 21704 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:59
IEC 62841-4-2:2017 Safety - Part 4-2: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers 认证 2017-12-17 41152 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:58
IEC 62841-4-1:2017 Part 4-1: Particular requirements for chain saws 认证 2017-10-15 21086 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:57
干衣机标准IEC 60335-2-11:2019变化内容 郑军奇 2019-6-21 11960 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:57
求IEC standard 60311 edition 5.0-2016-12 DonaldTong 2019-6-24 52362 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:56
BS EN 50657:2017 Railways Applications. Software on Board Rolling Stock 认证 2017-9-16 21730 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:54
IEC 62561-7:2018 LPSC Part 7: Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds 认证 2018-1-30 21268 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:53
IEC 60068-2-31-2008 Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimen 认证 2018-2-27 51023 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:53
IEC 62471:2006与EN 62471:2008有什么区别 meidetest 2020-4-25 41321 XYXCL20141231 2020-6-17 07:52
求最新IEC标准  ...2 RINNA 2020-3-30 131999 质量管理,, 2020-4-23 15:56
IEC 62684:2018 Interoperability specifications of common external power supply 认证 2018-2-18 11002 沙坚 2018-3-5 18:44
IEC 62820-3-1:2017 Building intercom systems Part 3-1: Application guidelines 认证 2017-12-18 1997 alldoing1 2018-2-27 11:08
ISO/IEC 21565:2018 Information technology Office equipment - Viewing environment 认证 2018-2-18 1747 TBD16888 2018-2-26 06:11
IEC 60974-9:2018 Arc welding equipment - Part 9: Installation and use 认证 2018-2-18 0847 认证 2018-2-18 10:51
IEC 62905:2018 Exposure assessment methods for wireless power transfer systems 认证 2018-2-18 0779 认证 2018-2-18 10:46
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